Woodmore Women's Institute News
(Submitted by Deb Melosky - Woodmore WI Secretary)

On Thursday, July 4 the Woodmore W.I. held their monthly meeting with 11 members and 1 guest in attendance. Our roll call for the day was "My favorite type of music". 

Woodmore W.I. hosted a Regional W.I. picnic, with members from other branches in the Eastern Region in attendance on June 12 at Roseau River Park. A great time was had by all in attendance and we plan to make this an annual event, rotating the hosting branch.

For our 2024 fundraising we are selling raffle tickets, these are currently for sale if anyone is interested. We will also be hosting a soup and pie supper October (more details will be available in September).

Our Food Security program for 2024 has received a grant for the Sturgeon Community Foundation. We will be holding a hands-on workshop on sauerkraut making on August 14 at the Dominion City Hall. Registration is now open for this workshop if you are interested. A seed saving workshop will be held on September 11 at the Ridgeville Hall. We are also planning to host hands-on sour dough workshop in October. 

The WI membership will be going on an outing on August 21, we will be having lunch at the Ridgeville Club and then on to "The Keep", near Woodmore for a tour.

We are hosting a Nature and Neighbors program sponsored by Southern Health's Health Together Now grant. The second "wellness walk" was the Prairie Shore Trail near Tolstoi with Laura Reeves as the guide on June 27. The next walk will be held in the fall.

On Thursday September 26 we will be co-hosting a speaker on the topic of women's pelvic floor health, this will be at the Healthy Living Center at 6:30p.m. More details will be available as the date gets closer.

Following the meeting we had Erica McConnell speak on her work experiences. Erica is a Parent Educator at Villa Rosa Inc, a residence for pregnant adolescents.

Our next meeting will be September 5 guests are always welcome. If you are interested in attending this meeting or any of our other activities, please contact meloskydebbie@gmail.com.